Saturday, August 2, 2008

FAS Home Run Derby

Fearing no one, Fluffy jumped at the chance to be a participant in the 2008 FAS Home Run Derby. The derby was held at Braddock Park in Clifton, Virginia. The outfield fences were measured at 300 feet to all fields, and the weather was decent. Team manager, Wicked Hittah, served as Fluffy's pitcher in the contest. Fluffy's entire competition can be found in this exclusive video:

As you can see, things didn't go exactly to plan. However, it wasn't just Fluffy that struggled in the competition. No home runs were hit at all in the first 40 minutes of the competition. It wasn't until over a dozen players had tried, before someone finally hit one out. Fluffy wasn't feeling too bad, seeing how everyone else was doing. Then came Jessica...

Jessica was the only woman in the competition, but boy did she ever put on a show. With her very first swing, she hit a home run. She would go on to hit three more. Jessica's four home runs were too much for Fluffy, who decided it was time to drown his sorrows away.

Fluffy, Wicked Hittah, Plan B, Nebraska, and Squirt, decided to hit up Glory Days Grill for some Wings, Nachos, and Beers. Sadly, on this night, even the mildly spicy wings had more pop in them than Fluffy's bat. That being said, it does appear that he deserved two more swings, as the video above shows he clearly only took eight swings. Of course, it goes without saying that those final two swings would have resulted in mammoth home runs, yet Fluffy was robbed. Indeed, Fluffy was robbed.

Pictured: Squirt and Nebraska cheer on Fluffy while enjoying some ice cold smoothies under the hot summer sun.

1 comment:

  1. Those first two homers looked pretty good to me. Its a shame they didn't count them. Awesome video
